Monday, November 1, 2010

Living the Dream

At six years old, I was dreaming of what I wanted to be when I grew up. A basketball player, most definitely. Perhaps an astronaut. For sure, a cowboy and maybe an indian. I read the Berenstain Bears and dreamt of living on a sunny dirt road. 
At eleven years old, my dreams changed and I wanted to be a writer, for sure. I started to write a Christian romance called "Born Again." (I was aghast at the thought that someone had already stolen my was so original.) I started dreaming of when I would start dating an amazing man. I was the typical 11 year old girl on the inside. I tried to cover it up by being pessimistic about love and being all tough. Ha. I dreamed about moving to England and living in a cottage in the countryside with a fence around it and flowers surrounding the house. 

Then at about 14,15 I realized I wanted to do some missions. So I threw missions into the mix and decided that I would minister to prostitutes and write books while supporting myself by being a waitress on the side. I can't help but laugh about my dreams back then. But what if we all dreamed like that? We might actually be able to obtain our dreams, as unobtainable as they may seem. I decided I wanted to go to YWAM England. 

At 16, God put a vision in my heart about staying in my hometown. My little hometown. My heart had been broken for the kids there and I wanted no more death. He didn't just place a vision in my heart, He took a passion that was burning on His heart and entrusted it to me. I began to burn with the same passion. 

At 17, I made it out to California with my parents and fell in love with seeing God work miracles and being in a close intimacy with Daddy Jesus. While visiting Bethel in Redding, I was so encountered and rocked by all that He was doing. I decided to forget about YWAM and my heart was completely set on Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. I began working towards that dream; the counselors at school asked me where I wanted to start for colleges and were a bit confused when I mentioned a non-accredited school of ministry in California. But this was what I wanted to do. It was my dream.

After graduation, my dream was drawing closer and closer. I had been accepted to BSSM and I was moving out to California in 3 months. Isn't that everyones dream?! To move to CALIFORNIA? Anyways, those three months passed and they were magical, filled with ever increasing love for my Jesus and new relationships. Especially the last week...when I started dating Jordan. Whatta guy. Got my Jesus...

I move to California; basically no bumps in the road whatsoever. God provided a job for me and awesome people. I am now living with a British girl who is hilarious, and two Illinois girls who provide unexpected entertainment ( a good way). We all love each other and are passionately pursuing our Jesus with everything we have. 

dating amazing man--check
Career--oh I am so trusting God that He knows the desires of my heart and as long as I work towards it with everything I have, He will be there to meet me. 

I'm living the dream. My life is just proof that when you dream, you can make things happen. And hey, I could become a nifty basketball player if I really wanted to. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

You are righteous.

Nooo that's not a hippie statement...that's a truth that God says to you.

Here, I want to share a link with you. If you start out not liking it, give it a chance. If you still don't like it in the middle, listen to the lyrics. If you still don't like it in the end, then whatever. I tried. =)

Today was so powerful. Full of love and loveliness! =)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I absolutely adore them. Sweet Anna, Foreign Naomi (haha!), and crazy Vickie


Thursday, October 14, 2010

This love so crazy awesome, it astounds me. 

I don't know how I have lived without feeling this amazing presence of God in my life. I mean, I've always had a "hi, hello, love you daddy, bye daddy" relationship with Him...but never truly encountered Him on this level. I never want to leave it. I want to stay in it forever, bringing it with me everywhere I go. 

Sunday morning during worship, I actually heard a shift in the atmosphere. It sounded like a huge beam shifting. I was like "Whoa. That's kinda cool...come God!" That night was incredible. Freedom reigned in my life as I broke free from my inhibitions, my worries. I adored Him with everything I had.

I'm not writing this blog to say "Now I'm so holy. I'm better than you." Please understand me: I love people. And this is something that every person can have. This unadulterated, pure, holy, righteous passion that Daddy Jesus has for you. It will make you feel like you can do anything...and you can.

Bask in this love that is so real. So unabandoned. 


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Random 1:30 AM posting...

Who makes my night completely 100% better? This guy right here. I am so incredibly blessed. :) That is all. Just had to say it. I like him. If you couldn't guess that. Mmkays. That really is all. Sorry for the cheesiness. :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fantastic Life

God is so incredibly good to me and I don't know why.

 {Besides the fact that I'm His princess and He absolutely adores me...but ya know}

He gives me people in my life that are just SO. AWESOME. 

Susie and David Weigel {The parents}
I got to talk to my parents on Skype for about half an hour. What amazing people. I adore them. They drove out here with me, made sure I was settled in, and didn't make me cry when they left. They have raised me so well (If I do say so myself...hehe) and so I transitioned really well in being kinda dependent on them to totally independent with rent, groceries, etc. They are always so excited for me and want to know what's going on in my life all the time. Without them, I would never ever make it. 

Cici Mayberry {My seester} 
She constantly updates me on my adorable, perfect, amazing nephew and I love hearing him on the phone. Whenever I talk to her, she's so upbeat and I love hearing her stories and funniness. She left me for a year for college and now it's my turn to leave she knows how I felt. Ha! She misses me more than she thought...:-p I love her. To death. (even if she does constantly harass my boyfriend on his choice of a football team) She's my seester minkey. And she most likely will be the only one to get that. 

Jordan {My boyfriend}
We are crazy and decided to date a week before I left. But he is incredible and always listens to me complain, contemplate what I just learned in my amazing school, and laugh over nothing. And he plays guitar for me over skype. And he's always interested in what's happening on my side of the world. And he has a gorgeous smile. Anyways, he really has made my move soo much easier (You'd think it'd be opposite right?) Even though I miss him so incredibly much, talking to him every day is so fantastic and we always have something to talk about. He gives me a little taste of home whenever I talk to him. And I kinda like him. Kinda. ;) 

Melissa Saffelo {Prettymuchthemostfreakingamazinggirlever}
My title says it. Not even lying. Melissa Saffelo makes my life so interesting and so purposeful. She is always encouraging me to go after my dream and will listen to me talk for hours on end (and can match me talking for hours on end...) No matter how long we go without talking to each other, we always start up right where we left off. She's incredible. And God has an amazing call on her life. She knows what I'm going through, being in Nashville; long distance relationship thang; and being completely in love with God.I love her to death. She is basically what you would call my sister. We're just that tight. (plus she's not friends with me because I'm omuhgaw Steve Weigels sister...she's friends with Steve because I'm his sister...;)) I. Love. Her. 

Naomi, Anna, Vickie {The craziest roommates ever}
When I say craziest roommates ever, I mean the most crazy awesome. Their joy and happiness has made this move soo much easier. They're in love with God. And they dance and sing in the kitchen. Truly, every girl needs roommates as crazy as her. They keep me in line, listen to me miss my boyfriend out loud, slap me when I get sappy, and love God. Truly incredible ladies. I am so blessed to have them in my life and our friendship is gonna be forever. I just know it. Aww...

Bethel Leaders, RGP, Bethel students {My big, crazy, sometimes foreign family}
Actually, until I talk to people from home, these are the people who make me completely forget I'm in another state. They are awesome. They are on fire, passionate, and hilarious. They keep you in line with love, and challenge you to the max! I love them. I will seriously never forget them...Sheri Downs, my revival group pastor, is insanely amazing. I love it that she challenges us all the time. I need it! I'm being taken outta my comfort zone and I'm so excited for it! And this is only like a month in..!!

 People who have made my transition from Minnesota to California easier, thank you! I know I missed people, I figured this blog was long enough. But... You. are. incredible. And that includes those of you who are praying! You amaze me!  Thank you, thank you, thank you for putting up with my ramblings. You always do (or I think you do...ha)

Loves and Hugs and Magic Rugs

Monday, September 20, 2010

The desires of your heart...

This past week of school has been incredible, intense, and already, life-changing.  
Every afternoon, we start school with worship. I mean, how cool is that?! I think we should start that up in public schools and really start something up:) 

In between bouts of awesomeness and Jesus doing incredible stuff, I've had some time to miss you guys...but otherwise I'm doing pretty good. ;) I can't wait to bring it back and have Jesus ravage your lives like He has mine. Actually, I'm praying He does it before I come back. That'd be supa rad. 

Anyways, the really huge thing happened on Friday night. I had a party with my Revival Group and the second year students came to pray and prophesy over us. One girl came up and had no idea what she was going to say and waited on God. Then she just started speaking forth absolute, incredible, amazingness. 

She started by saying that I am supposed to be playing guitar and singing. Do you guys know how long that desire has been on my heart?! She said that I will bring a change and the presence of God in where I play music; and that people have said "oh you're not as good as so and so" and that has held me back, which was RIGHT ON. It was insane. I just started bawling. 

It just totally showed me that God will give me the desires of my heart. He knows them and He's willing to give them to us. (As long as they're healthy desires, haha) I know I have to work towards this, but it is so worth it, especially because of this confirmation.

I've been getting prophesied over constantly since I've been here and I love it. So many things have just been right on...ugh. I love it. This school was definitely the right choice. I know I'm not always going to like what I have to do, but it's going to stretch me and it will definitely be good for me. 

I love you guys. Thank you so much for your support. <3

~Rachel Mae~